This week was amazing, but also really really interesting. I will just try to share a few of the highlights with you:

We are currently teaching the Riquelme Family x2! They are awesome and have really sincere desires to be members of the church. The driving force in the family is their eighteen year old daughter. We will just say that she has been a little rebellious in the past and now (because of various happenings as well as a meeting with the missionaries has began to change that) And her parents love that change and they want it forever. But she is pregnant and this past week she had a serious infection and was looking really bad Monday and Tuesday, as in she almost died, but God judged it prudent and she has since begun to heal. I must add that the many priesthood blessings and prayers and fasting of the members had more than a little to do with that. But we went to the hospital to see her and her whole family was there. Her dad said something pretty funny, "Whelp I never would have thought that I would ask a couple of Mormon missionaries to come to the hospital to see my daughter, but look at us now" (He is a very worldy man that is what made it funny, but he is trying to change, so that is what counts)
On Friday night we had a family home evening with the castillo and maurer families We watched Together Forever, a cheesey movie done in the eighties about how families can be together forever, it was powerful. We are going to repeat this experience next Friday but with the father of the castillo family, the only thing keeping them from getting baptized. (also we are going to eat potato chip pizza, no idea what it is, but it sounds amazing.

Oscar. That says it all. He is twenty two, going to go on a mission, got the priesthood yesterday, and wants to go to the temple really badly, also he is the secretary of the elders quorum. Also he has volunteered to go out with us to do visits every single Wednesday. ALSO this past Wednesday we did some work with him, we took him to the stake center and we began with him his family history work. (Making sure those who join the church are here to stay.) He is phyched to ask his grandparents and parents all about it this weekend when he goes to see them.
Saturday we began an English class, it is super fun mainly because the Riquleme family comes and Oscar, and the person that is teaching the class is an investigator studying to be an English teacher, so we decided to help out a little bit! Awesome!!!!!!!
Also lots of photos this week because today we went on a little trip to the desembocadura,

also to a pirates cove! Being a missionary is the bomb!! Love Everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Hutchins