We are currently teaching the two adopted children of a less active member (returning to activation) their names are Pedro and Nancy. Last week we began to involve the Branch President and his family in their fellowshipping and boy was that a GOOD idea. He and his wife and his granddaughter have taken personal responsibility for them. This week the grand daughter picked them up and took them not only to mutual, but also to seminary. On Sunday they were asking, so when are we going to seminary again. They have a hunger for the gospel and now they have a lot of friends in the church. The Branch President and his wife have become almost third parents for them, they sit with them at church they invite them to their house and they just love them. Working with the members is great and truly a blessing.

This week we did a special zone study focusing on God, on why do we worship Him and nobody else and what has He specifically done for us. This week I learned that in order to be truly converted to the gospel we must continually REMEMBER what Jesus Christ has done for us, on a personal level. Yes He has saved us and because of Him we will live again, but what difference has He made in our lives, when we can answer that question continually life will be easier.
Thursday we had our Zone conference, it was a spiritual feast. The best part was the special discourse by President Uchtdorf. He had spoken at a Mission President training, and it was so good that they were encouraged to share it with their missionaries. The focus was on coming to a knowledge and understanding that Jesus Christ lives. It changed Peter and it can change us. As disciples of Jesus Christ we should fear no man. It was an excellent talk.

Also Linares was hit by a giant heat wave this past week, my companion and I have been sweating us a storm. We did several services for members this week, making sure that we did them in the early morning and then returned for our studies. But in the afternoon until about 7 or 8 its HOT. (Don't worry I am drinking a lot of water, it reflects in how much I have had to pee this past week aka about every ten minutes)
I love each of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Hutchins