The house were I am now living is a huge house, a little bit of a change from an apartment to a mansion. Of course it does still feel like mission living circumstances because one of the two bathrooms has the broken toilet turned upside down in the shower....not even going to ask what happened there. Something about a basketball and a stuffed monkey.
This week I was blessed to be at the Baptism of Felipe, one of our investigators as well as two other baptisms by the other elders in our ward. Furthermore, I was blessed with a speaking assignment in Sacrament meeting! (Don't worry dad I told your running away from home story with nothing but ketchup and salt to illustrate the point of "Lost Sheep") They had a good laugh. Also I received the temporary assignment of Ward Chorister, so I am in charge of directing the music in all of the church meetings. Also meaning that I have to sing the first line alone to "Give the note and the general tune". We will see if they invite me back next week.
But the ward has a problem, a bunch of people have gotten baptized because of how cool the missionaries were and and when the missionaries left they all went inactive, so the members have lost their trust in us and are not too animated to do anything. So that is where we are going to start visiting the members and reactivating those "Lost Sheep".
Have I ever said that I love the Lords work? Because really I love it with all my heart.
Love you all,
Elder Hutchins
(Skype the 11 of May, Not sure yet at what time, but we have 30-45 minutes)