Contacts: As I have said, missionaries talk to all kinds of people. Well yesterday was mo exception, It was about 9:22 at night, we were headed back home to do some serious planning and on the way of course we were talking to everyone. One of those people was Jose. This man refused to shake my hand because I was impure (never having received a catholic baptism) the man was convinced that he was a prophet because he was a fisherman and had a beard (the way he could tell that we weren't prophets is because we had no beards) the best part thought, was that he told us all of this and more, singing.......
Another adventure, or better put, a battle that I always have to fight is the one to wash the dishes in the members houses. Good Golly, I never think I have fought so hard to be able to clean something in my entire life. The main reason I tell you this is so you can prepare yourselves. If I ever eat at your house don't try to get in my way of those dirty dishes, I am learning many interesting "techniques" to serve the members, in the end we are all happy, but in the end I am the one with my sleeves rolled up working not them. Prepare yourselves.
Along that note something my companion and I have been doing that I absolutely love is when we see someone working on something; sweeping, loading or chopping wood, or doing whatever. We will contact them and while my companion distracts them with his words I subtly slip whatever tool they are using out of their hand and finish the work that they were doing as my companion is writing down the hour that we are going to come by to teach them. Its simple fantastic.
This week we taught some VERY religious evangelical people, during the lesson they constantly stated, "The bible is the greatest prophet", "there is nothing like the bible" or my personal favorite "the bible is enough for us there's not going to be anything else, it ends with the bible" I was reminded of the scripture in the book of 2 Nephi 29 which clearly states that in the last days people will say, "A Bible, a Bible, we have a bible, there cannot be anymore bible" It is interesting to see a direct fulfillment of prophesy, just goes to show its true people, its all true.
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To end things up this Friday we had our zone conference and our mission president told us something that I would like to share with each of you. He told us that in our lives we will all have moments in which we feel like we cannot do it all, like there is too much that people are asking of us. And the answer is simple, you cant do it all. We all must take a moment (or two) and make a list of the most important things to do. What President Arrington told us is that with those things that arnt too important the Lord will either work it out, or it will quickly be moved to the top of your list. He told us that he felt overwhelmed as a bishop and that he received a huge stack from the church every week. After a while the things that he knew he wouldn't have time to get to, he would simply move them into the trash can. Like he said either the Lord will take care of them or they will be moved to the top of our list.
I love each and everyone of you so much!
Elder Hutchins
Elder Hutchins