Last week on P-day a miracle occurred. I live in a house with four missionaries, needless to say it is a mess, but little by little we have been cleaning it up. This past P-day I took on "The corner". It is a corner in the kitchen which no one has ever attempted to clean because there was literally an inch of mold and just gunk coating the floor. As we began our regular weekly cleaning I declared to my companion,'that's it I am taking on the corner!' For a second he just looked at me then his mouth dropped and he just said 'you are one brave guy Elder Hutchins'. About an hour later I brought my companion over to see the floor now clean of the mold and grease and whatever else was there (I am pretty sure it was at least partially alive) but the first thing my companion said was "Wow I never knew the floor was the same color as the rest of the kitchen!!" The corner has been conquered!
Also funny story today we went to the beach (photos to come later today) as a Zone and some elders thought that it was a good idea to play soccer the short way on the beach (facing the water) and after approximately 10 minutes the ball was in the water floating away, well we had thought that ended a fun day of soccer on the beach, but after about half an hour a boat went by and the sand sweeper lady (her job is to sweep the sand on the beach) started yelling at the top of her lungs "La PELOTA!!!!!!!!" or "THE BALL!!!!" and some how they heard her, and even more surprising, they responded they turned the boat around got the ball. now about a mile out, and then brought it in to shore!! HOLY CATS! the miracles never cease.
Nicolos' birthday party |
So we are currently teaching a guy named Nestor and his family of four (plus his married, waiting three years to get a divorce girlfriend) they are awesome, but a tad odd. For example in their seven months here we are the first people aside from them to cross through the door of their house! And the dad doesn't even let his kids go outside to play because there are cad people in the world. Hmmmm, it makes me think, if they are so defensive and closed off what made them let us in the house??? Answer: The spirit. Also they came to church yesterday and they read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and they agreed to live the word of wisdom, except for Nestor who agreed to begin trying. He smokes and drinks coffee a lot, but he has agreed to begin to quit. Less than a month ago this family did not believe in God, now they are practically LDS, God knows his children. They still have a ways to go, but they have the desire and that is what counts. Also they love us, their youngest son, Nicolos had a birthday party Saturday and they invited us, it was the family and the missionaries. I love this family and I want to see them partake of the blessings of this gospel.
Last and not least is the lesson I learned this week. We have to be prepared. The Lord sends his prepared children to his prepared servants. This week was rough at the beginning. about four days into the week we had one lesson with a member, 0 new convert lessons (only count if you bring a member) and 0 Less active lessons (only count if you bring a member), so during companionship study time we talked about what we could do and we decided that on Thursday from then on we have to plan to plan. This includes making and setting meetings several days in advance and then reminding the person everyday and calling and finding members to come with us, a lot of work, but two and a half days later we had 5 lessons with a member, and 2 New convert and 2 less active lessons, hmmm successful. If you have talent it will only take you so far and in sharing the gospel its not that far, in order to have success in ever aspect of our lives we need to have a plan. So that's the challenge I have for each of you this week, make plans. Begin small, what do you want to accomplish this week? This next month? this Year? How about where do you want to be in ten years? and then think about what you have to do now in order to get there. Without plans we don't have anything.
Elder Hutchins with Companion |
I love you all so much, stay safe, learn a lot, study the scriptures and pray daily it is so important, and make plans.
Much Love,
Elder Hutchins
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