Monday, March 10, 2014

Just go with it

Elizabeth's baptism
This week was crazy, we did so much stuff, but before we get to that I just want each of you to know that I love you... and also that here in Chile the vast majority of the people love singing, but are not too good at it (I'll let you how I know that later on)

I'll start with the end of the week first-

Today)- I found out that I am a little pregnant...or in other words I am going to be training this transfer, my first son and there is a possibility that he will be from Massachusetts, we will see.
Yesterday was Sunday- We taught Oscar. Good golly is that guy prepared. He came to church and that night we had our first lesson with him, he loves the church and wants to be a member he just feels as though there are things that he has to learn first, but he is going to get baptized the 29 of march.

Saturday: BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!! Elizabeth got baptized!!!  The ceremony was very spiritual especially when three primary age kids sung a special musical number. Afterwards we went to Elizabeth's house with her family (not members) and now her brother and his family are interested in the church and our teachings, he says that he has always looked for the true church, but as of now all the churches that he has investigated teach "the doctrine of man" not of God, and so he is looking for the church that teaches this true doctrine. 

Friday: Karaoke night! That's right the missionaries held the first ever Bio Bio karaoke night and it was a blast. About 60 people showed up including Elizabeth with her family and another family of investigators that we are teaching. SO MUCH FUN. Everyone who came ended up singing a song. That's right each one of the four missionaries in our ward also sang a song. I won't tell you what song I sang just that I dedicated it specifically to my companion because it reminded me of him... The members loved it.

Elizabeth and Elder Hutchins in the background
And the rest of the week was spent obviously teaching, finding, and working, but these are the highlights. I love being a missionary. 

I love you guys!!
Elder Hutchins

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