- My companion and I in our personal and companionship studies did a really in depth study of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and it hit home. We were both stunned by the loving and unselfish sacrifice that he made. We then took it upon ourselves to make it known to all the people. Begining with the members (who had made sacrament more of a habit and social hour than the sacred ordinance that it is) and then taking it to the less active members, the new converts and the investigators (this style of teaching makes placing the goal of the temple a lot more fluent and meaningful). With this 'new' teaching meathod, we were able to feel the guidence of the spirit so much more this week and have gained the undying trust of the bishop and other key members of the ward, Now we must be careful how we continue as to maintain the trust.
- We are currently (under the direction of the bishop) teaching an excommunicated now married couple and we brought the heat this past week, teaching specifically of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the need to do 'all we can' they were excommunicated 11 years ago and have not made any effort to be rebaptized (besides saying its what they want to do) so we made them feel the urgency to make the next step, that being an interview firstly with the bishop and then with the stake high council. But progress is being made
- Today for our P-day we went as a zone to 'The CAMPO' (half of the time when we invite investigators or less active members to come to church we are met with the response, Im going to 'the CAMPO' or better phrased, the wilderness because that is what it is.) it was an adventure and we had a delicious cookout. I love being a missionary. (mom you would have loved this adventure, we drank water from a mountain river, went to a waterfall, drove through the country side and in the mountains.) (dad you might have liked it, but there were not nearly enough people to interview for temple recomends out there, so it would have been too quiet for you.)

For lack of time I leave you with my testimony that God lives, and his love for us, well I am recently beginning to understand it.
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