
Well today were transfers and Elder Gorham and I will be staying together yet another transfer!!!! We were both so excited to hear that! It is the best thing that could have happened, it makes it even better to know t hat the Lord wants us together,

So this week we kept teaching the Guajardo family (the one found through Rescate) and they are super excited to learn (or for the husband relearn) about the restored church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. It is a little funny, every lesson that we have with them the mom, Elizabeth, ends up balling, Christian (the dad) told us that she NEVER cries, like it is super weird that she cries and he told us that the only reason that she cries is because she feels the truth of the restored gospel for the first time. We asked her yesterday in a lesson if she believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God, her response, yes, he has to be I mean look at his story. We continued the conversation a little bit and asked her, do you desire to be baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints? Her response: Yes, I know that it is what I need and I want to do it. So they are currently making plans to be married this year (they are aiming for October, the government makes the process long) What makes this experience even more sweet was when my companion and I found out that Christian holds the
Melchizedek priesthood. He is working on getting worthy again and they cannot wait to go, as a family, to the temple to be sealed as a family for time and all eternity. That's the goal.
We were teaching a new convert this week who has been slacking off in church attendance and really in just keeping the commandments in general so we went in there and did some work. We were guided by the spirit and learned among other things that she was smoking again, her husband and her were seriously thinking about a divorce and she has been having some depression problems. By Sunday she had stopped smoking again and was a buzzing ball of energy. She came to church and for the first time in about 4 months stayed for the classes, she read and answered all of the questions and will be fasting (the topic of the class) this week to apply what she learned. I love it when a plan comes together.
Sacrament meeting and really just the church meetings in general are getting so much better, so much more spiritual. This week we made a pass out for the sacrament meeting (something not done outside of the United States) and the bishop had the congregation sing an intermediate hymn, standing. Also a first time. Of course I was still conducting it and there was no piano, but we worked with what we had.
District meeting |
We are teaching a young woman named Karen, she is the referral of a young elder preparing for a mission. She is probably the most advanced investigator I have ever taught. We starting teaching her from nothing about two months ago and this past Thursday she came to our weekly meeting (her circumstances only allow her to meet with us once a week) with questions and they were questions that were just super good. About the millennium and the spirit world and we learned that these questions came because about a year ago she lost her father and she has a serious interest in helping him to receive the saving ordinances in the temple. Only problem is she lives and hour and a half by bus from town. And the buses don't run on Sunday. That being said she has already assisted twice and will be assisting in two weeks.
The work is moving forward, we are laboring in the vineyard and cleaning it out as much as we can.
with much love,
Elder Hutchins
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